Monday, January 7, 2008


Hello everyone out there,

I'm going to keep this short as this blog site has been created for my students to use outside class time, so I'm hoping they will take the lead. I will, of course, comment from time to time or initiate a discussion but it will mainly be up to them.

Anyway, the task for this week is write a little about what you think is the best job to have. It can be the job you are doing at the moment or it can be a job you would like to have.

Paul Jackson, Porto January 2008


JR said...

The best job to have is the only one that fullfilled our ambitions, but the ambitions are different for each one of us. Many people prefer doing what they like, many others earning a lot of money and there are another ones who don't work overtime, because they value their private lives. If it's possible to join all of this, it is the best job to have.

The job I'd like to have is working as freelance, travelling all over the world, writting about it and taking the best photos. Then, to sell it to the specialized press. And, between the while travels, I'd like to live somewhere in Provence, South of France.

Joana said...

I think that don’t exist the “ideal job” that change person to person. The aim of each one is different: there are people that prefer subjects like health, economy, languages, laws, arts, management, history, environment, social relations, technology, physic and so on. Others prefer earning lot of money than doing what they really like!

So, don’t exist a simple and direct answer for defining what is the best job that depends the profile and aim of each one.

I’m a young adult with a lot of interest areas! It’s hard to define only one. I love my work area (health), but I would like to work in economy or with the environment protection.

Joana Mendes

Ritucha said...

The best job to have, in my opinion, is that one that you wake up every morning and don't feel depressed to go work! Is the one that you like, give you the money you need to do what you want in your life and let you have an happy private life without interfering.
When I was young, I dreamt about to be a Veterinary, because I love animals. That dream never become true and, nowadays, I work at Lipor and I like very much my job. I never feel depressed to go Work!

Rita Rebelo - AB 2.1 19MA

pmmrb said...

A comment by Paulo Barbosa:

In my opinion, the best job to have is the one that make us feel good, if we work in something that we love, we do it with motivation and happiness, in these cases the work keep our attention to the point we don’t want to stop, forgetting about eating, drinking or even sleeping, and above all this we are paid to do something that we enjoy.
Unfortunately in extremes situations, if we don’t have careful, the ambition for a professional success keeps our attention and time; we forget our friend and family that suffer with our distance and isolation.
When I was young, I loved wild life, so I dreamt to be a Zoologist or Veterinary, later in my youth I was attracted by the electronic and robotic equipment so I followed this dream and graduated in electrical and telecommunication engineering, today I work in a telecommunication company but now I have a different interests and motivation, I feel attracted by the mystery of the Universe and the evolution from the cosmic phase in the first moments of the Universe to the biologic phase when matter transformed itself into life.
If I was young again I would study to get a university degree in Astrophysics or Theoretical physics so I could do research in theses subjects and try to develop and answer some question, for instance, How did the Universe begin? Could it be created by it self? Did the time begin with the big bang? Etc.

Paulo Barbosa

JR said...

Hi Paulo,

I think besides our job we must study something that we like or having this like a hobby. If you are so keen on astronomy you can study it by yourself!

My youngest brother studied Physics and he's specialised in applid physics (I don't know how to say it in english but I'll tell you in portuguese, is forbidden here!). He studied the zero gravityat ESA(European Space Agency), in Bordeaux he flew into the planes as he was in the moon!! Actually, Physics seems to be an interesting curriculum. Now, he works at CEMUP-in Porto University but besides his job he´s rather keen on astronomy and meteorology, he studies it a lot by himself and he often goes away to meet some astronomic happenings. In 1999 he went to Reims(France) to see the total eclipse of the sun, it was the best place in Europe to observe this. At that time I was in Rennes and the only thing I saw was a cloudy sky.
He has several telescopes and he teaches me a lot of things, but I'm a bad pupil in this subject, I always ask the same quastions!! But I like very much when we go away by night to the isolated places without artificial lights, looking into the sky and he teaches all we are seeing, the stars, the planets, etc. and he explains everything. Trás-os-Montes is a good place to observe the sky, we often go there.

If you want he could give you some clues or you can go with us to observe the sky. It's a great emotion seeing the Saturn's Rings or the Jupiter's Moons!


Jorge said...


The concept of the "ideal job" is, I believe, fraught with danger. As long as we believe that there is a single job will make us truly happy, then we are immediately limiting our actions and beliefs in searching for it.


Mália said...

In my opinion the best job is one we feel totally comfortable with functions, colleagues and bosses. We need to feel happy when we get up every morning and at this moment and don’t feel that…
Maybe the best job couldn’t exist…
When I was younger I would like be journalist, but I only have a little administrative course but now I work as call center supervisor and isn’t the best job for me. I hope you have more luck than me…

Unknown said...

Hello everybody!

I don’t know if there is the best job but I believe that there are jobs witch group a several conditions, not all, to be attractive for a person to realize it as the best job, according their ambitious.

Ambitious like earning money, witch is important for independence, to satisfy the primary necessities like food, house, wealth, to buy books or to frequency a course to improve your skills, etc.

More than primary necessities, people want something special to be happy. Something as an expensive car likes the last model of a BMW. Others have ambitious like to implement their personal concepts on different technical areas like engineering, architecture and others.

When I was young I never thought to have a specific job. I like to know about many things since math to history. One day I decided to be an architect, but I can’t into to the University and today I have a job as a software development – so different, yes!!! On the future I don’t know but today I am happy with this job and I think that it is one of the main conditions for the best job.

António Ramos

Unknown said...

Seeing the Saturn's Rings or the Jupiter's Moons

Hi Judite,

Don’t forget to call me when you and your brother will go to see the stars. I would like to go with you.

I think Physics is a very interesting subject but unfortunately there aren’t good conditions to teach this subject in the schools.

António Ramos.

Jorge said...

Organizes a trip to see the stars in Tras-os-Montes.


We can stay in your home in Mogadouro. It`s possibble?


Beyba said...

The best job doesn't exist!
We all need eachother! We need doctors when we are ill, we need shoemakers when our shoes are damaged, we need a plumber when our tap won't turn... and so on.
All jobs are important and necessary.
Of course, some of the jobs are better because they are financially advantageous but if the person who does the job is interested, confident and all above this, a good professional his job is the best.
I have a family and a job, so I am the happiest person in the world.
I wish at least this 2 things for everyone!!!

MJ said...

The best job for me is an activity which you have pleasure to do. I agree with "beyba" we need eachother, we have differents skills to do anythings. The work is necessary and all people have good and bad days. Any days you work with a will and another days your enthusiasm is less. It´s a normal life...
mj - Mjosé