Tuesday, May 27, 2008


You wouldn't know it, with all the rainy weather we've been having over the past week, but summer is approaching! What are your plans for the summer?

I was planning on going to Thailand for the summer but I can't seem to find a reasonable flight anywhere. The price seems to be almost double what it was a few years ago. I suppose that's the price of oil. Another option would be to buy an Interrail ticket (adult version) and go exploring Spain and France and England visiting friends. But if that works out too expensive I shall stay here in Porto. That's really not a bad option.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008


This week tell me about your experience of crime. What's Porto like as a city? Is it safe? Have you ever been mugged? Do you know anyone that's been mugged? Is there much violent crime here? Has anything ever happened to you on holiday, either in Portugal or abroad?

Have a good week


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Europe Day

This Friday 9 May is Europe day. What does Europe mean to you? For me, Europe is a great acheivement after so many years of war. Europe is about different, but similar, countries working together. Europe is about freedom and social justice - sorry to sound a bit like a politician ;) And what a fantastic acheivement the Euro is - unfortunately Britain isn't a part.

Anyway, your views please...