Wednesday, January 7, 2009

You and your favourite brands

Hello everyone,

Hope you're getting back into the swing of things after the break :) . This week's topic is about brands. I didn't used to think of myself as a consumer but, I have to admit it, there are probably more brands around my home than I would like to admit. I have my lovely Mac laptop, my Nikon D50 camera, my Levi's jeans, Portuguese Basmati rice (sorry I can't remember the name!), Palhais cheese and so on and so on. All of these for a person who doesn't even enjoy shopping. Anyway, how about you, then?

See you next week


C. said...

Well, I do not think of myself as a consumer and I truly am not one. Nowadays I buy things without given too much importance to brands. The most important for me is the product’s quality and, above all, if I like it. However it was not always like this. I must admit that when I was younger there were more brands around me that it should be. Why? To be perfectly honest I do not know. I think everyone goes through a phase where brands are important. Teenagers are much influenced and they want to have whatever their friends and the society show.

Of course that I have some preferred brands, which I buy with more frequency, but it is not the end of the world if I do not buy them. Besides that I love trying new things and so I never get addicted to any brand. As time went by I learned to have a more open mind about it. For example, the supermarket’s own brands are now some of my favourite ones. They are as good as the most popular ones but cheaper… It is the perfect association.

See you tomorrow.

Ritucha said...

Dear all,

I’m not a brand addicted. In fact, I don’t know too much about brands. In terms of brand clothes, I’m a spot! I only notice a new brand when it begin to get out of fashion!
In terms of food, I don’t have a special brand for anything: I try several brands and chose the one I really like. Sometimes I don’t even know the name. And so on… I like things no matter the brand. If they fit me, that’s all right!

See you tomorrow!

Sophie J. said...

A new year started and this is my first post in our blog because I had some problems with my computer.
Paul, an interesting topic because this is one of the most problems of our society, especially for teenagers.
I can’t say that I don’t buy brands because it wouldn’t be true.
When I buy some kind of products like hi-tech, I search the most famous brands because of the characteristics.
In my opinion if we are searching for products which have a high durability and are more expensive we have to pay more attention and most probably we’ll buy a brand product.
On the other hand, buy clothes could bring more flexibility to our pocket money.
Nowadays, people want to be in fashion. Moreover, they judge the kind of person you are for what you wear, so buy a brand could be an option to be in. If we look for teenagers we see this problem.
When I go shopping clothes I look for three things: quality, design and price. If I could buy the cheaper one I buy it and I don’t care about of brand.
But if I go shopping food, brands could be an important criterion.

Well, brands are everywhere and we have to do a selection about which of them are really better comparing to the cheaper ones. It’s not easier because we are faced with them everywhere and all the time but we have to stop and think!

See you tomorrow.

Luís Sobral said...

Hi everyone!

First of all, I want to say that I do not consider myself a great consumer. When I have to buy clothes and food I always purchase what I like most without paying much attention to the brands.
I think I am only a little bit influenced by brands when I have to buy electronic devices. It is for certain that I am always looking for the best relation between quality and price. Notwithstanding, it is my understanding that if we want to buy a good hi-fi, TV, camera or other electronic equipment with the purpose to last many years we are more secured when we bet in a good brand, although paying a little bit more for the extra-quality.

See you on Monday!

Joana Maia said...

Hello everyone!
As Rita said, I'm not a brand addicted.
In terms of food, there is nothing that I like to much. I don't have favorite brands. I eat what I want, but mainly what I like.
For clothes and other things, I only buy what I really like, what it makes me feel good and I need.
I am not a person to buy because the others have or because it is nice to have.
See you later...

Unknown said...

Hello people,

Actually, I am not a brand consumer. When I need to by something, food, clothes etc, I usually pay attention on prices and qualities of the products that I need to buy. I don’t buy something because it is fashion.
If a product of a specific brand that I had bought has good price X quality relationship, it might be a good option in the future.

See you.

António Ramos.

Anonymous said...

About brands I must say that when I was teenager I would give attention to it, because I was influenced by the taste of my idols and close friends. Nowadays I think that what really matters is the relation between quality and price, most products in the supermarket are made by the same company but just have different brand names. The numbers of peoples consumption is increasing and people do care about the brand and are influenced with the design and look, even if the product is not so good, they will buy it.
I care about brands if I already know that I can get certain characteristics of the product that similar products don’t have. Anyway, I would choose a product based on his durability, quality, giving preference to the ones that are made in Portugal and the ones I like most.

See you soon,

Joana Silva

Mália said...

I'm not a brand addicted...
When I need to buy something the main important is quality and after that, price but If I know the brand and is associated a good quality and the price isn't expensive maybe I buy the brand, but only If I associated to a good quality and similar price as the other products. When I was teenager as my colleagues I would like to buy clothes with brands but I don't have money for that.
Unfortunately we know that the most people judge the other people to their appearance so lots of people feel better If they use a brands clothes and other things because they think they are more important because of that...

See you later!

Beyba said...

When Paul said that the topic for this week is Brands, I thought “what an easy one!”, but then I red next Paul sentences about brands: laptop, camera, jeans and suddenly “Ohm my God! What a difficult topic!”.
I started at home:
-Kitchen: all appliance (oven, refrigerator, stove, microwave, washing-machine, ...) are FAGOR. Inside the refrigerator there are Agros milk, Longa Vida yoghurts, Super Bock beer and Frize Water.
-Living room: the TV is PHILIPS;
-WC: shampoo, air conditioner and foam are PANTENE;
-Furniture is ADC.
Talking about my things, I usually wear Ana Sousa, Ferrache, Zara and Mango clothes; Eletta and CK watches and Kenzo and CK perfumes.
As curiosity I remember that in Portugal we use to call:
-KISPO: to all kind of winter coats or jackets;
-CHICLETS: to all kind of gums;
-CATERPILLAR: to all kind of earth moving machines;
-GILLETTE: to all kind of shaving blade;
-JEEP: to all kind of 4X4 cars.


Beyba said...

Paul: hair conditioner instead air conditioner!


Joana said...

When we talk about brands and their importance to us, my answer is: “Depends!”.
If we talk about clothes, I’m incapable to pay 60/80/120 € for a Levis or Salsa trousers. I think that in these cases we only pay the brand!
If we talk about appliances, I prefer to buy brands because have their quality proved and because I have had a bad experience with white brand.
About food: except Cigala rice, Flora butter and Frize mineral water, I ever try to buy white brands like “Dia” or “Paturages”, because are cheaper and have the same quality than the others.

andrega said...

I think the brand is the product personality. That personality is very importante in some products but not essencial in many others.
In my opinion brands are important in cars and motocycles, electronics, food and drinks, cosmetics, sport equipment and clothes.
My favorit brands are Vespa, Mercedes, Sony, Super Bock, Coca-Cola, Cola-Cao, Toblerone, Haagen Dazs, Nivea, Nike, Adidas,...

See you tomorrow.