Thursday, July 16, 2009

English Dinner with Friends!

Hi everyone!

I must say that I loved our English Dinner...

But, Sophie, we are still waiting for the photos...

Could you send them by email?

Nice holidays (or work) for all!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hi everyone!!

I would like to invite you, to apeear in Santa Ana Party!!! I send you the posters and I wait for you, in Mogadouro, in this days!

Thanks for all for your help to this party.

Good holidays!
Joana Mendes

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Our International British!

Hi everyone!

As you can see, our British Council is very international. Once again I took a photo of it. This time in Malaysia – Kuala Lumpur.

It’s impossible for me to forget the British Council even when I’m on Holiday!!

For those who go to do the FCE Speaking on Sunday 7th June, I wish good luck or – better – “break a leg”!

See you Sunday or Monday!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Would you consider wearing a especif uniform for no more than 4 kind of activities till the rest of your life?

Uniforms are very common among Organizations of many kinds, it’s no more than a standard clothing, it helps within the recognition of specific brands and developing a standard corporate image, even when considering questions like racism, for instance, in scouting is used to cover the differences of country and race, making all feel that they are members one with another of one Brotherhood.

Taking the information above into consideration don´t you think that it works just like fashion?

After all, doesn´t everyone’s image in the eyes of everyone else is created after an X Ray of each individual outfit/sense of fashion?

And did you know that the first service uniform registered with the US Patent and trademark office was the Playboy bunny outfit? Isn’t it bizarre?

Joana Silva

Friday, May 1, 2009


Last Tuesday, the April 28th, was my daughter birthday. Margarida is now two years old.
A few years ago my mother and my brother were my close family but now there are also my little daughter and my wife, not forgetting “enemies” family!
A first child transform a family. Sons became fathers, parents became grand-parents and brothers became uncles!

What about your family? Is it growing?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Natural disasters

Hi everyone,

Sorry again for the delay but I can’t avoid!

As you may all have seen on the evening news, Italy is suffering from natural disasters. Firstly, an earthquake that destroyed lots of buildings and house and made lots of homeless and now the bad weather, with very low temperatures and rain, that is making homeless life very difficult.
My question for this weekend post is: Have you ever experienced such natural disasters like these? Have you ever lived such a terrible situation?

Are you afraid of storms, snow, lightning bolt or even earthquake?

For instance, when I’m home and there is a storm, I like to watch the lightning bolt through my window. It makes me feel very safe and I think that these kinds of phenomenon are a very beautiful way that nature has to show its anger.

Let me know a little bit about your feelings.

See you next Monday!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Easter time...

Easter is the most important religious feast in the Christian liturgical year. In Christian belief, Jesus was resurrected from the dead three days] after his crucifixion. Many Christian denominations celebrate this resurrection on Easter Day or Easter Sunday (also Resurrection Day or Resurrection Sunday), two days after Good Friday. The chronology of his death and resurrection is variously interpreted to be between the years 26 and 36 A.D. (in Wikipedia).

But Easter time is more than this! It’s time to have family and friends at home, and of course my God Son! And it’s time to eat chocolate, cinnamon, liquor, sugared and caramelized almonds … chocolate eggs shouldn’t be forgotten!

What about you? Do you usually eat sweets?
(The next post will be done by Rita, on 5th April)

Friday, March 13, 2009


Sorry everyone. I'm a bit late this time as I couldn't seem to log on during the week. Anyway, how often do you visit museums in Porto? What's your favourite one? When you go on abroad or to other parts of Portugal do you visit any museums?

Have a good weekend everyone


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

If I was the mayor of Porto ......

Hope you are all having an excellent week, despite the rain that I can see from my window at the moment. This week's blog entry is an idea from what I had to do for my French homework. If you were the mayor of Porto what would you change? What would you use your special powers to do?

See next Monday


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Life in the past

Dear 'Britishers',

Nowadays we have so many modern conveniences that it's difficult to imagine what life would be like without them. If you could go back and live in the past, let's say 100 or so years ago, what would you miss the most? You wouldn't be able to write on this blog for starters........

Have a good week and enjoy carnaval


Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Are you a technophile or a technophobe? I presume you're a technophile because you're writing on this blog. What do you like about technology, though? What could you not live without if it was taken away from you tomorrow?

Have a good week everyone


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Did you know......?

Did you know that Rita paints in her free time? And did you know that Aldora sings? The theme for this week is secret talents. Have you got any secret talents you'd like to share with us? I play (or used to play, as I haven't played for ages) the violin. I'm very rusty now though, so I'm not sure if you'd call it a talent.

Time for you to blow your own trumpet!

Have a good week


Friday, January 30, 2009

the credit crunch

Hello everyone!!

Everytime I read the news nowadays I seem to read of nothing but the financial crisis. It's a bit depressing really and I'd rather read about happier things :) Has the financial crisis affected you in any way? Or do you not notice any difference?

See you on Monday


Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Hello everyone!

This week's topic is a very timely one as, of course, next week we have an exam. Anyway, what are your feelings about exams? Do you think they are necessary part of life? Do you think we should get rid of them altogether? Do you get nervous? Are you too relaxed? Do you leave the studying until the last minute? Have you ever failed one?

Have a good week and don't study too hard! :)


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

You and your favourite brands

Hello everyone,

Hope you're getting back into the swing of things after the break :) . This week's topic is about brands. I didn't used to think of myself as a consumer but, I have to admit it, there are probably more brands around my home than I would like to admit. I have my lovely Mac laptop, my Nikon D50 camera, my Levi's jeans, Portuguese Basmati rice (sorry I can't remember the name!), Palhais cheese and so on and so on. All of these for a person who doesn't even enjoy shopping. Anyway, how about you, then?

See you next week