Sorry again for the delay but I can’t avoid!
As you may all have seen on the evening news, Italy is suffering from natural disasters. Firstly, an earthquake that destroyed lots of buildings and house and made lots of homeless and now the bad weather, with very low temperatures and rain, that is making homeless life very difficult.
My question for this weekend post is: Have you ever experienced such natural disasters like these? Have you ever lived such a terrible situation?
Are you afraid of storms, snow, lightning bolt or even earthquake?
For instance, when I’m home and there is a storm, I like to watch the lightning bolt through my window. It makes me feel very safe and I think that these kinds of phenomenon are a very beautiful way that nature has to show its anger.
Let me know a little bit about your feelings.
See you next Monday!
Hi everyone!
How are you?
I have never experienced a natural disaster, at least not such a bad one like the earthquake that happened in Italy. The worst natural disaster – if you can call it like this – that I have ever known was a violent storm, with strong winds and rain as well as thunder and lightning. At the time it did not frightened me, but I must confess that, like almost all children, when I was younger both thunder and lightning scared me a lot.
It seems to me that natural disasters are happening more often than some years ago and their consequences are becoming worst and more serious each time. Why? Well, perhaps it is Mother Nature’s own way to show it disapproval to what mankind is doing to the planet. The evolution of technology is a reality but even so it does not give to society the power to control the nature.
See you on Monday.
Hello everyone and a “hey!” to Rosa! ;)
I have never assisted a natural disaster (fortunately) but for sometimes, in the winter, when I go to Mogadouro and I across the Marão Serra, I assist a strong snow tumbles that are very dangerous and frightening. The last one was in the last December, when suddenly starting to snow and the cars stayed arrested in the snow. It’s very difficult and danger to drive in the snow, because sometime you can’t control the car even you drive very very slowly!
It’s because that I hate sow I don’t understand the people that take holidays to go to “snow”!
A blog theme with picture! Well done Rita!
Luckly I have never experienced a natural disaster and it's not something I like to think about, specially because sometimes a holiday destination can have risks like these.
A question that I'd always made to my self is why people live in places with a high risk of natural disasters. It's very dificult to understand why people live in the base of an active volcano...
Fortunately I have never experienced that kind of tragedies and I hope never experience.
When we see that things we really think that nothing is more powerful that nature, It can be peaceful, beauty, calm but also take the life of millions in seconds...
Some times in Summer when I go to my parents village I step by some fires in mountains, and it's frightening.
Some years ago I had a little fire at home and it was terrible.
I admire people that can overcome that kind of problems and people who help them, it's amazing the strength of some people.
Have a nice day
See you later
I love watching storms from a safe distance and somewhere dry :) . I remember when I lived in Thailand and my mother came to visit me and there was an enormous downpour, which ended a couple of hours later with all the streets flooded. I then had to wade in water up to my waist in the street to get back to my flat. I tried not to notice the rats which were also swimming alongside me.
Yes, I love watching them but did you know that my mother hides under tables when there is thunder and lightening?
I felt an earthquake twice. The first one I was 7 or 8 years, and I was playing when the floor “run away”. It lasted 10 seconds but I was very frightening!
The second one was 10 years ago, when I lived in Braga and I shared a flat with 3 girls on the 6th floor. We were laughing because we saw something fun on TV and suddenly we felt the earthquake.
I must confess that when I think about natural disasters… I shudder a lot!
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