Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Hello everyone!

This week's topic is a very timely one as, of course, next week we have an exam. Anyway, what are your feelings about exams? Do you think they are necessary part of life? Do you think we should get rid of them altogether? Do you get nervous? Are you too relaxed? Do you leave the studying until the last minute? Have you ever failed one?

Have a good week and don't study too hard! :)



Anonymous said...

Hello everyone :)

Next week we will have our first exam this year on British Council. To say the truth, I am quite apprehensive about it because in the last few months I have been 90% focused on my university exams period that will end next monday moorning.
A thing that I particularly dislike is the fact that they come all at the same time, but I agree that they are important to certify that all the necessary information has been acquired.
They should continue to be a way of evaluation and people should face them has a way of proving our theoretical skills. Furthermore, it should be added to an extra type of evaluation where you can put in practice what you have learned.
Anyway, the important thing is to be conscious of our capabilities and try our best, even knowing that a lot of stumbling blocks can appear and change radically our results.

Good Luck to everyone :)

Joana Silva

C. said...

Well, unfortunately, exams are necessary part of everyone’s life. If we think about it, we will realize that all of us are tested almost every day. Of course, I am not referring only to the writing exams, as there is a huge variety of exams. For example, we are tested by our boss in our work place all the time.

We may or may not like exams, but the truth is that they are important. Why? Whenever someone takes an exam, he or she must prove that his or her knowledge about the subject is enough so that they may be approved. Exams are a way of establishing who knows and who does not know. It allows society to reward those who work hard and do their best to pass the exam. This is what happens to students that want to go to the university as well as to everyone who wants to have a driving license.

Regarding to me and to be perfectly honest, I must confess that I used to get very nervous about exams when I was younger. However, as I got older, I learned that it was not good for me and that it was not needful either. I understood that an exam is just an exam and that if I failed one, it would not be the end of the world. To fail only means that we must study harder and that we have to take the exam again.

See you tomorrow.

andrega said...

I think exams are never welcome but at the same time are necessary to test knowledge. I get nervous specially when the exam is is the only way of testing, like it will happens with the FCE. When the evaluation is a mix of periodic tests, works and class behaviour the exam moment is less stressing and in my opinion the evaluation is better done. In fact in our professional life we are always being tested in every thing we do! But of course a unique exam is in many circunstances the only way of evaluate knowledge and almost always the students who prepare themselves to it are well succeed.

Good luck everyone and try to stay calm.

Luís Sobral said...

Hi everyone!

Let’s face the real world… I feel tempted to raise the question: who really likes to do exams? (I don´t hear you :p) I think everybody agrees with me when I say that exams could be quite dispensable because sometimes they can be a big rock in our shoe.
Notwithstanding, we should put aside our personal wishes and try to find out the arguments for the existence of exams. As some people have already written, it is a simple and objective way to test people’s knowledge. I agree with that and I think it is the biggest reason that supports the exams’ existence. Furthermore, I think we can say that exams have an important and invisible role in our society. Let’s imagine a world without exams… what do you see?... Personally, I see chaos… because we would have more difficulties to distinguish a person that has sufficient knowledge about a specific area from an ordinary one. Just a thought… If there were no exams in the world I would be very scared next time I would need a doctor.
Well… now we have to think about our English exam… and for one more time, I feel tempted to ask something… Is it really necessary? :)

See you on Monday!

Ritucha said...

Hi everyone,
I don't like exams. I think nobody does. But, we have to be realistic: exams are necessary to test our knowledge about the issues we learned and to see how prepared we are in some specific matter.
For instance, I have a very big difficulty in listening exercises, because I can’t understand exactly what is said (we must admit that the pure British accent is not easy!!).
So, I have to study more about this subject and I need to test if I can understand it or not.
I always get nervous when I have an exam, no matter if it’s a knowledge test, a health test or any other kind of test. The unknown always makes me nervous. But, as I start to do it, I get more relaxed and everything goes well.
I never failed an exam, even the driving license test, but I must confess I took a tranquilizer tablet to calm down!!

Mália said...


I suppose nobody likes doing exams but it's essential in our life, we are evaluated constantly in our job either in our personal life.
During some years I don't need to “study” for any exam because I have finished my studies, I only needed to study again when I took my license drive and hardly when I took some little course until I started in British Council. I need to admit I like study, learn new things but I don't like to study for obligation, only for pleasure.
I always stay anxious in the exams, not nervous, and when I don't feel prepare, as today, I feel angry with me. I know it's impossible I have a good mark because I know my difficulties.
The last weeks isn't good for me so I can't concentrate and it's affect my productivity and knowledge.

Good luck for the exam.
See you later

Unknown said...

Hello people,

As many people said, I don’t like exams, too, specially these types of exams like FCE or the exam we will do this Monday. I think we are often under evaluation, for example, examination by customers. But, I think is easier to know what a customer want than what the people are talking during listening exam.
About the typical class exams, I think if we studied, the consequence, we will have a good exam. Of course there are exceptions, like a typical listening exam by British Council classes.
I failed many exams, for example to get into University, but it wasn’t the end of life.

Good luck for exam.


Beyba said...

I'd rather the idea of "the assessment is continuous": we work in the class, we do homework, so the exams shouldn't be as important as they are.
Some students have more ability to learn some subjects and others prefer to do physical issues.
Sometimes people are very good but they can't prove it at the exam.
The bad results causes depend on a lot of reasons:
- tiredness;
- bad study methods;
- not motivation;
- hereditary phenomenon.
Of course I've failed! and sometimes because I didn't study enough.
I think the most important is "NEVER GIVE UP!".
Aldora Pinheiro