Friday, September 5, 2008

Hello again!

Dear all,

No, I hadn't forgotten you all :) . I've just had so many problems getting internet at the flat I bought that I spent the whole summer without internet. It was actually quite nice being 'low-tech' for a change, doing lots of reading, entertaining visitors and visiting lovely places close to Porto, like Pinhão for example.

Anyway, I'm back at work today (Judite, unfortunately I've missed your dinner but please invite me to your next one :) ) and preparing myself for teaching, which begins at the end of this month. There's a possibility that I'll be your teacher (I can hear you saying 'oh, no!' already) to take you through to First Certificate but that will be confirmed next week.

Anyway, how was everyone's holidays?

Lots of love to everyone



JR said...

Dear Paul/All

Soon, soon, we'll have a dinner! and, of course, you're invited:-)

This school-year I won't go to the British Council, I'm feeling so sad:-(( much more if you'll be the "best class" teacher:-(( but I have some new projects and I need time and money! However I will try to do the FCE, I'm not sure if I'm able to do that.

My holidays were so good! 3 quite different cities (Barcelona, Istanbul and Berlin) but all of them amazing!! I fell in love with Istanbul and with Turkish people! I had a great time there, in such a way that I'm thinking about going there again in December.
At the end of September I'm going to Milan and in October to Lyon. That's all for this year.

I hope you give me the chance to read/write in this blog and I'd love keeping in touch with all of you. And I also hope that you invite me for your parties.

I really, really miss all of you!

See you in 2 weeks!

Joana said...

Hello everyone!!

I'm so unhappy by Judite, but I understand perfectly her reasons!!

For me, this to come back to institute, would be a big test of organization!!

My holidays have just finish for this year... In July, I went to Madrid and in August I stayed in Mogadouro...

Kiss for all
I hope see all of you, at dinner!


MJ said...

Hello everyone!!!

All people know (magnificos) this year I won´t go to the school, I don´t have time for study, but I´ll love to write and talk a bit English with yourselves.
David is amazing, a lovely boy. Next meeting, in Judite´s house you will see he. He`s already said " MAMAMAMA...MAMAMA...!!!

The best class blog said...

Oh no :( No Maria José, no Judite, no Paulo. Who's going to be in the class? Hope to see the rest of you.
